

Stonehenge Special Access Tour from London 2024

Walk among the stones on this tour from London also visiting Bath and Lacock

Inside the Stone Circle at Stonehenge with Special Access Premium Tours from London
Sunrise or sunset - the best time to visit Stonehenge

Premium Tours Stonehenge Special Access highlights include

  • Early morning or evening special access to Stonehenge, beyond the ropes into the circle of stones

  • Guided private viewing of stones

  • Option to add on entrance to the Roman Baths and the Pump Rooms at Bath

  • Walking tour of Bath

  • Walk around medieval National Trust village of Lacock, with option to purchase supper or breakfast at 14th century inn, The George

  • Luxury air conditioned motor coach with free Wi-Fi and services of a professional guide

Why Special Access?   Book tour   Premium Tours dates   Tour itinerary   Stonehenge   Lacock   Bath   Summer Solstice 2024   Special Access dates 2024 - March 2025

Bath, Lacock and Stonehenge inner circle access tour

These Premium Tours tours allow you to enjoy privileged access to the inner circle at Stonehenge at either dusk or dawn; a truly memorable experience. They also include visits to beautiful medieval Lacock (used in many films including Harry Potter), as well as the World Heritage Site that is Georgian/Roman Bath.

In Lacock you will have the chance to purchase a breakfast or lunch in the classic country pub, The George Inn. Both these special access tours are very popular and sell out quickly - see our Stonehenge Special Acess dates 2024 - March 2025 below for your chance to visit soon!

Special Summer Solstice Stonehenge tour from London

Seeing Stonehenge at the summer solstice - a first hand account (blog post)


Get up close to the stones like few visitors do

Inside the stone circle at Stonehenge
Inside the stone circle at Stonehenge

Stonehenge is a "must see" for any visitor. This Stonehenge Special Access tour offers something different, giving you privileged access, behind the ropes within the Stone Circle itself, walking among the stones.

These special access sessions at Stonehenge only happen outside Stonehenge normal public opening hours, at dawn (and in the evening too between March and September).

Only 30 people are allowed on Stonehenge for each special access session. Tickets are eagerly sought after, often sold out weeks if not months ahead and need to be arranged well in advance to avoid disappointment.

During the last two weeks of June the only way to gain special access to Stonehenge is during the Stonehenge Summer Solstice.



Stonehenge Summer Soltice celebrations

Stonehenge, Lacock & Roman Baths at Bath* at sunrise or sunset

Adult from £153 • Child (3-16 years) from £143 • Senior & student from £150

Choose between four options:

1. Morning tour with entry to Roman Baths, 2. Morning tour only, 3. Evening tour with entry to Roman Baths, 4. Evening tour only

* Roman Baths included where option selected

Premium Tours Stonehenge Special Access dates

Special Access Stonehenge Premium Tours
Stonehenge Special Access - dates sell out quickly

Individual dates on which tours operate do not always follow a regular pattern.

Tickets are allocated by Stonehenge and are released usually every November for the following year. We aim to display the following year's ticket dates for Stonehenge Special Access as soon as possible after they are made live. If you are planning ahead for later than these dates it is necessary to keep checking back until they become live in the autumn before you visit.

Demand far outstrips supply of tickets - Stonehenge Special Access tours are routinely sold out far in advance, so it is a matter of taking a tour whenever tickets can be obtained.

Please note - Special Access visits are available most but not all months of the year. No tours run during October and November and last two weeks of June.

Stonehenge Special Access dates for 2024 until March 2025 are listed in our table below.

Table of Stonehenge Special Access available dates 2024 - March 2025

Premium Tours Special Access tour itinerary

Morning Special Access

Sunrise at Stonehenge

The morning tour goes direct to Stonehenge, just under two hours from London. You will enter the stone circle just as the sun begins to rise, for a unique, private viewing.

Optional breakfast in medieval inn - Lacock

On to The George Inn at Lacock - a 13th century inn with plenty of charm, where you have the option to purchase breakfast.

Roman Baths at Bath

In the afternoon you can enjoy the delights of Georgian Bath, visiting the Roman Baths and Pump Room (if option selected), before returning to London.

Tour pick-up: 5.30am Millennium Gloucester (Casino entrance).

Tour ends: near Victoria train station around 4pm


Evening Special Access

Roman Baths at Bath

Setting out from London, the longest drive of the day is the first leg to Bath arriving at lunch time. There is plenty of time to visit Bath with entrance into the Roman Baths (if selected) and an exploration of Georgian Bath.

Optional early supper at medieval inn - Lacock

By the late afternoon it is a short drive to Lacock, a small medieval village used in many films as a film set, where your guide will take you on a delightful walk, exploring the atmospheric lanes and architecture. In Lacock you will then visit the 13th century George Inn for an optional early supper.

Sunset at Stonehenge

Following Lacock, it is an hour's drive to Stonehenge for the highlight of the show - the special access sunset visit after Stonehenge has closed to the public.

Tour pick-up: 11.10am Millennium Gloucester (Casino entrance).

Tour ends: near Victoria train station around 9.30pm


Stonehenge, Premium Tours Special Acess
Choose from morning or evening special access

Built nearly 5,000 years ago, Stonehenge is the most popular prehistoric monument in the world. Most visitors to the site are not allowed direct access to the stones. With Premium Tours you get that access, with a private viewing of the mysterious monoliths, at their best - either at dawn or at dusk.

You will enter the stone circle itself and stand beside the mighty Sarsen rocks towering above. Your guide will explain the history of this ancient site, pointing out the altar, slaughter and heel stones, above which the sun rises dramatically on the summer solstice.

There will be time to enjoy the peace, away from the crowds, as you experience Stonehenge at its most mystical and atmospheric best. Not to be missed!

Stonehenge - find out more


Premium Tours Lacock with Stonehenge Special Access
Lacock Abbey

Lacock is a picturesque village dating back to the Saxon era. Many of the beautiful buildings originally formed part of an extensive monastic complex and are now owned by The National Trust.

So pretty is the village that it has provided the setting for many movies and television dramas including Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice and the Harry Potter movies.

You can enjoy a delightful walk around Lacock, before heading off to The George Inn, a vintage English pub built in 1361. Here you can purchase a traditional home cooked English breakfast or supper, viewing the pictures of well known actors in the walls, where they have been filming in the village.

Lacock - find out more


Pulteney Bridge, Bath
Pulteney Bridge, Bath

Bath, a World Heritage Site, is a beautiful Georgian city with delightful crescents, terraces and architecture. You'll see Bath Abbey and the much-photographed Pulteney Bridge, modelled on the famous Ponte Vecchio bridge in Florence.

Your guide will also conduct an optional walking tour to show you a charming 17th-century Sally Lunn tea room and the Jane Austen Centre among many other hidden treasures.

Lastly, you will visit the key attraction for visitors, the Roman Baths; a magnificent temple bathing complex built using the natural resource of the only hot spring in Britain, and named the Sacred Spring. You will see the water's source and walk where Romans walked on the ancient stone pavements and of course see the baths themselves.

You are provided with an audio tour device (in eight languages) so you can visit at your own pace. The Roman Baths is the best preserved Roman spa from the ancient world.

Bath - find out more

Prices & tour reservations

Prices are displayed on the banner link below. Major credit and debit cards are accepted. You will be emailed a confirmation with a booking reference after reservation. The booking reference and the name of the person ordering is all that you need to quote when joining the tour, there are no paper tickets.

On the tour detail page from the link below, there is a calendar control at the top right of the page, which depicts which dates still have availability. By selecting your required date you start the reservation process.

No refunds if cancelled within 8 days prior to the departure date.



Stonehenge Summer Soltice celebrations

Stonehenge, Lacock & Roman Baths at Bath* at sunrise or sunset

Adult from £153 • Child (3-16 years) from £143 • Senior & student from £150

Choose between four options:

1. Morning tour with entry to Roman Baths, 2. Morning tour only, 3. Evening tour with entry to Roman Baths, 4. Evening tour only

* Roman Baths included where option selected

Stonehenge Summer Solstice - 20 - 21 June 2025

Summer Solstice is the most important day of the year at Stonehenge. The summer solstice is one of only a few days per year when Stonehenge becomes open access (namely the solstices and equinoxes) where you can walk among the stones. If you are wanting to visit Stonehenge from London an easy and enjoyable way to do it is by booking on one of these popular tours. The coach trips take the hassle out of making your own way to Salisbury Plains, leaving you to relax and enjoy an unforgettable experience.

We offer a choice between two very special tours, one that takes you very early to the stones from London to see the sunrise, the other that makes a day of it the day before, visiting Avebury and Lacock, before experiencing the solstice celebrations at dusk.

Sunset Tour (20 June) - 13 hrs

Tour departs London at 12 noon and heads west towards the site, taking the time to enjoy the ancient stones at Avebury, before heading to picturesque Lacock for an early evening supper, included in the price. From here we journey to Stonehenge itself arriving at roughly 7pm, as it begins it’s annual celebration of the summer solstice. Huge crowds gather and there will be plenty of time to soak up the atmosphere of this historic event, walk amongst the stones, and observe the pagan rituals and ceremonies that take place at varying intervals throughout the evening. Please note there are two twenty to thirty-minute walks involved during the day to see the celebrations at Avebury and Stonehenge.

Sunrise Tour (21 June) - 8 hrs

Tour departs London at 1am (yes - really - that early!) on the 21st June and heads directly to Stonehenge arriving at roughly 3am. The annual celebration of the summer solstice will be well under way by then as the atmosphere builds towards the sunrise and the climax of the event. Huge crowds gather and there will be plenty of time to soak up the atmosphere of this historic morning, walk amongst the stones, and observe the pagan rituals and ceremonies that take place at varying intervals throughout the evening. Please note there is a twenty to thirty-minute walk involved to get from the coach park to the event.

Seeing Stonehenge at the summer solstice - a first hand account (blog post)



Coach service from London on 20 or 21 of June 2025

Choose between two options:

1. Sunset Tour June 20 - Day trip with Avebury, Lacock, supper & Stonehenge evening celebrations £133

2. Direct sunrise tour from London June 21 - arriving 3am and see the climax of sunrise £136

Stonehenge Special Access dates 2024 - March 2025





Premium Tours

Evan Evans

Anderson Tours

Mar 24 4, 7, 11, 1 2, 9, 16, 23 N/A
Apr 24 1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25, 29 N/A N/A
May 24 2, 6, 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27, 30 N/A N/A
Jun 24 3, 6, 10, 13 N/A N/A
Jul 24 1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 22, 25, 29 N/A N/A
Aug 24 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 N/A
Sep 24 2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 26, 30 7, 14, 21, 28 N/A
Oct 24 N/A N/A N/A
Nov 24 N/A N/A N/A
Dec 24 7, 14, 28 2, 9, 16, 30 6
Jan 25 4, 11 6, 13 N/A
Feb 25 4, 11 3, 10, 17, 24 28
Mar 25 4, 11 1, 8, 15, 29 N/A

Premium Tours Special Access Tours

Evan Evans Special Access Tours

Anderson Special Access Tours

Premium Tours Summer Solstice




Premium Tours

Evan Evans

Anderson Tours

Golden Tours

Mar 24 3, 6, 10, 13, 17, 24, 27, 31 4, 11, 18, 25 8, 29 2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 19, 23, 26
Apr 24 3, 7, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24 N/A 12, 26 N/A
May 24 1, 5, 8, 12, 15, 19, 22, 26, 29 N/A 10, 24 N/A
Jun 24 2, 5, 9, 12 N/A 7 N/A
Jul 24 17, 21, 24, 31 29 5, 19 13, 16, 20, 23, 27, 30
Aug 24 4, 7, 14, 18, 21, 25, 28 19, 26 2, 16, 30 3, 10, 13, 17, 20, 24, 27, 31
Sep 24 1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18 2, 9, 16 13 3, 7, 10, 14, 17
Oct 24 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Nov 24 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Dec 24 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Jan 25 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Feb 25 N/A N/A N/A N/A
Mar 25 2, 5, 9, 12, 16, 23, 26, 30 3, 10, 17, 24, 31 7 1, 4, 8, 11, 15, 18, 25, 29

Premium Tours Special Access Tours

Evan Evans Special Access Tours

Anderson Special Access Tours

Golden Tours Special Access Tours

Premium Tours Summer Solstice


Every effort is made to keep all our information correct and the advertised prices up to date. We endeavour to be as accurate a source of information as possible but Travellers Toolkits cannot be held responsible for any price differential between our stated prices and those of the companies supplying the product or accuracy of information provided on our sites.